Does Conductive underbody warming work?


The art of Conductive patient warming with a resistive element has been validated in studies, hundreds of evaluations and trials, and by Anesthesiologist worldwide. Studies have been performed by Dr. Daniel Sessler, Outcomes Research at the Cleveland Clinic, Liver Transplant Team at the University of Washington Medical Center, and by Dr. Timothy Conahan Anesthesia Hospital University of Pennsylvania.

How does it work?

Conductive warming is physics. Thermal dynamics recognize three types of warming: Conductive (contact with a warmed surface); Convection (force air warming, blowing hot air); and radiant (the sun).   Within the laws of thermal dynamics, it is known that conductive warming is 25% more efficient than Convection.  Conductive warming is accurate, clean and easily regulated.  Conductive warming is 5th grade science:  heat rises and conductive warming is more efficient.

Pintler patient warming occurs when the patient makes contact with the Pintler OR table pad.  The patient becomes an insulator and traps the thermal rising from the pad.  The thermals rise uniformly and every warm the total surface in contact with the pad.  All energy goes into warming the patient not warming air in the room or around the patient.  Very simply HEAT RISES and always will.

A question: “Which is more pleasant, a heated car seat or air blowing in a small space?”

Is Conductive warming safe for the patient?


Conductive warming by the Pintler Patient Warming System has been tested and validated by regulatory agencies, the FDA and others as safe for use with patients, FDA Class II device, and specifically noted in the SCIP 10 Version 3.2 patient warming guideline. The product is compliant with electrical safety standards and EMC requirements. Conductive patient warming has been actively used in over two million procedures without incident or risk to the patient.

In which cases would this type of patient warming work best?

Pintler’s earliest adopters have been CardioVascular cases, transplant procedures and reconstructive Plastic surgeries. The Pintler 78” single long pad has been the preferred product in these procedures. Orthopedics have found the SUMMIT family or heated Ortho Pads very complimentary to the patient positioning objectives, removal of airborne contamination concerns and warming.

Robotics have adopted the Pintler pads as they are ideal of stabilizing the patient while in Trendelenburg position.

In which cases would this type of patient warming not be effective?

Where patient warming is not desired or surgery protocol calls for no active warming, i. e. AAA procedures.

Pressure Redistribution, what is best for the patient?

The Pintler pads are the best non-dynamic surfaces we have seen tested for pressure redistribution.   Achieving maximum safety for the patient is achieved by not adding layers to the Pintler pad.  Do not place Gel overlays on top of Pintler pads.  Gel pads are heat sinks and draw thermals from the patient to warm the gel.  Physics – heat moves to cold.  A warm patient on a cold gel pad draws patient thermals and a cold Gel pad creates vascular constriction, an etiology to skin breakdown.

Studies (noted in our web site) identify a relationship between patient warming and good skin outcomes, Vascular dilation vs Vascular constriction of cold.

If we puncture the OrcaSeal™ cover on the pad, is it ruined?

This will depend on the size of the puncture or opening. An OrcaSeal™ repair kit will graft and seal the opening.  The foam is anti-microbial and antibacterial.  Severely damaged covers will require replacement of the Pintler PEAK pad.

We already use forced air warming. Why should we use Conductive warming?

Conductive warming allows warming of all patients immediately upon positioning upon the OR tables, there is not lag time in delivering active warming.  Whereas with disposable products warming may not commence for 15+ minutes.  Conductive warming warms all patients regardless of the time length of surgery.  Costs are reduced, outcomes improve, and waste is reduced. Conductive warming has been clinically proven in every application to deliver equal and better outcomes than forced air. Conductive warming wins in recovery every time.

Is Pintler compatible with other devices we use in surgery?


Pintler has been tested and utilized with many devices, i. e. Megadyne Grounding Pads.  Pintler is an ideal companion for Megadyne users. Note:  The Gel face of the Megadyne pad is a “heat sink” and draws down the patient body heat.

RF Technology, used for locating sponges, has been successfully used with Pintler pads, both products meeting their performance requirements. Place the RF Sponge Detection Pad beneath the Pintler Warming Pad. This placement allows full function of the Sponge Detection System and the Pintler Pressure Redistribution characteristics to be provided to the patient.

Pintler’s OR warming pads are X-ray translucent and do not interfere with patient monitoring.

How long is the product’s lifespan?

The power unit has an anticipated lifespan of 5 years. The pad’s lifespan depends on user care, but is estimated to be 2-4 years

Can new pads be purchased without power units?


Are pads available for all types of OR table manufacturers?

Yes. Pintler makes pads for any table type, model or specialty, heated or unheated.

What is Pintler?

Pintler is a stunning wilderness area in southwestern Montana.